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Writer's pictureChris Moss

6 Hidden Benefits of Raising your Profile within your Niche and How to Take Advantage of Them

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

We all know and see those people online who have invested in their personal brand and as a result have become the go to person in their industry. However there are some hidden benefits of creating content and raising your profile that aren’t obvious until you’ve done it for a couple of years. Here’s some insight into those and how you can take advantage of them straight away:

1. Creates huge leverage

Naval Ravikant an investor of Uber, FourSquare and Twitter with over 70 total exits and more than 10 Unicorn companies talks a lot about needing leverage to create wealth. (Highly recommend his book The Almanack of Naval Ravikant). Historically this was done through leveraging ‘labour’ or ‘Capital (money)’ which both need other people's permission. Warren Buffett or Andrew Carnegie are great examples of using these forms of leverage. Naval talks about creating better forms of leverage using code or content, it’s permission-less leverage - meaning you can create ultimate leverage without needing a huge workforce or banks. Think Google or Microsoft (they have large workforces now, but their profit per employee is far greater because of this leverage). It’s how a 10 year old (Ryan Kaji) makes $29.5 million a year just sitting in his bedroom making YouTube videos opening toys. On a more practical level, for our clients and me personally, creating social content takes no more than 1 hour per week (using our Oversubscribed Content Calendar) and we can have thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people, see our content each week.

Once you’ve created it once, it’s there forever to leverage.

What single blog, video or social post could you create today that would save you hours explaining the same thing to someone? For me, this was my article on my Wealth Creation Strategy.

2. Money flows where attention goes

The reality is that it doesn’t matter how good your service or product is if no one knows about it. Often companies with worse products become market leaders because they’ve mastered gaining attention within their marketplace.

It’s easy to judge people for pushing content out online (especially if it’s uncontroversial), but this attention will be attracting them clients.

Until you start raising your profile, it’s hard to appreciate the opportunities it can attract.

3. Harder to build, harder to copy

Creating content and raising your profile takes time, discipline and commitment (if it was easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn’t allow you to stand out). This can be made easier with a team to support you on the journey (what we offer at Oversubscribed for our clients). However once you have built your profile, it’s very hard - if not impossible - for a competitor to copy.

4. Attracts good people

Before starting to raise my profile online, I understood many of the benefits (having run marketing companies for 10+ years). However the biggest surprise has been the huge amount of good people it’s attracted. For me, the people it’s attracted into my life have come in many forms:

  • World-class team members who took roles after searching me online.

  • Investors who lent me hundreds of thousands

  • Like-minded and hugely successful people whom I now get to call friends.

The more I raise my profile, the more I’m attracting these amazing influences in my life. Everyone checks everyone out online (stalks). What does your online profile say about you?

5. Forces clarity and reflection

Creating content forces you to clarify your message, value proposition and general thoughts on topics you talk about. I hadn’t appreciated the level-up this gave me in communication online but also offline. It’s forced me to get crystal clear on many areas that otherwise would have stayed as vague unchecked opinions. Even if you don’t publish the content, it’s worth creating it for this reason alone.

6. Forces accountability

When you raise your profile it creates huge accountability for yourself. I talk a lot about raising your profile online, giving me no choice but to do a good job of it myself. One of our clients talks a lot on his Podcast (highly recommend), about being a high performer and creating a life by design…giving him no choice but to walk the talk himself. Elon Musk is another great example of this: after a huge exit from PayPal, he announced to the world he was going to start a space rocket company (Space X), making it hard for him to give up without huge publicity.

"Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time" - Elon Musk

If you are currently raising your profile or want to start, my company Oversubscribed can help. We’ve been oversubscribed with a waiting list for the last year and aren’t taking on more clients currently. However if you head over to our website, you can see when our next client intake is -

To learn more about me, check out my about page here.

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